Day 28 - The only way out is through

"The Captains  T&D Team  (lockdown) Log"

Collective thoughts of the group over the lockdown period



Date: Wed 22 Apr 2020

By: Jane Butcher - Global Accountant


It’s 4 to 3 time in less than a week and I’m feeling joy, we are on the home straight. 


I salute you level 4 (read into that what you will) you have triumphed in what you had set out to do, but now you can get… off you go.


My new habit of practicing daily gratitude has successfully formed in the last few weeks and in fact, has provided a lift whenever I’ve felt darkness creep in.   Looking back over my daily scribbles, it’s interesting to find the three top runners I have been regularly thankful for -

- My husband’s ability to cook

- My child’s ability to rationalise

- My newfound insight to value the little things


I so do appreciate the big things as well, one being that New Zealand feels like a pretty good place to be on the planet right now.


Above all though, what has stood out as the favourite is the unconditional love from my family.  We all drive each other a little crazy but the reality is, throughout this obscure situation we have kept one another going.


Hang in there family, easier days are just around the corner.

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