Day 11 - The only way out is through

"The Captains  T&D Team  (lockdown) Log"

Collective thoughts of the group over the lockdown period



Date: Sun 5 Apr 2020

By: Phil Ashton - Brand Manager UK & Europe


Create your own Playlist, using the questions. Then pour yourself a nice cocktail (we have suggested a classic in yesterdays blog) and enjoy. We can do this…



A song from a band with mostly, but not all, women

A song from a band with mostly, but not all, men

A song with a name in the title

A song that mentions an animal

A song that uses a foreign word

A song from the last 5 years

The song from an album with the same title

An instrumental

A song that always makes you feel better

A David Bowie song that wasn't a single

The song that was number one (any country) when you turned 16

A song you like from a genre you generally don't listen to

A song with parentheses/brackets in the title

A song that's also the title of a film

A cover version you prefer to the original

A live version of a song

A song that mentions a food or drink

A song that features a trumpet

A song that was sampled

Then that sampled song

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